equip . encourage . engage



Discover how to be a Godly woman through deepening your faith and dispelling the lies you believe about yourself and the world. Uncover Biblical promises for daily guidance and comfort.

Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

People Matter

Imagine the opportunities we have as Christian women to change the perception the world has of what it looks like to be a Christ follower. The biggest way we can influence our world is the way we live our lives and faith out.

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Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

Replacing Lies with Truth

How often do you find yourself battling lies within? What does God have to say about that and how can we combat the lies with the truth?

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Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

Not About Me…

When others look at your life, who do you want them to see? Are you pointing to yourself or God?

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Stephanie Yttrup Stephanie Yttrup

Getting Unstuck

Are you experiencing unwanted circumstances in your faith journey causing you to feel spiritually paralyzed? Maybe you are going through an unexpected divorce, facing some tough parenting challenges raising your kids, received some unexpected news from the doctor, confused by decisions you need to make about your future, having difficulty trusting God to provide for you, grieving the loss of a loved one...

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I’d love to share more of my journey of faith with you!