Getting Unstuck

So I gave in and finally bought a Fit-bit. When they first came out, I remember judging my friends who bought them. They would freak out when they got to 1000 or 5,000 steps. I thought to myself, “Go work out like normal people do!  I’m sorry but shopping at Target followed by a trip to Starbucks, the gas station and walk to the mail box does not count. You walked a mile in your house today! Go girl, you’re really moving and shaking!!

And then about two years ago, my life changed quite dramatically.  I went back to work, launched two kids to college, released some things I loved being part of in my community and hit menopause. All of a sudden I found myself at a standstill.

That standstill looked like depression, lack of motivation, discouragement, anxiety and confusion. I had experienced days like this in the past, but this time something felt different within me. It was an interesting season of trying to navigate difficult transitions in my life.  Honestly, I was quite consumed by myself and my circumstances. There were days where I was like, “Peace out, world!

A little backstory: I have been a competitor and athlete for most of my life. But in this season, moving was the last thing I wanted to do. Moving from the car to the couch to watch Netflix after a long day of work had been more my vibe. I think my wake-up call finally came during a doctor’s appointment when I saw a number on the scale I had only previously seen in the 2nd trimester with my pregnancies. Yikes!!

I needed to MOVE again but I was stuck focusing on all the physical problems I was experiencing instead of the solutions available to me.

I finally gave in and ordered the Fit-Bit, simply to remind me to MOVE.  So that in the midst of life, I could bring some physical and emotional health back to my body. And guess what? It’s been awesome!  And yes, I AM that crazy lady on aisle 3 of Raley’s doing the happy dance when I reach my step goals.

I was thinking about this experience and how often we find ourselves in seasons where moving spiritually feels impossible. We feel stuck in our circumstances with a lack of motivation and energy to spiritually move beyond them. We have forgotten what life looks like when empowered with the movement of the Holy Spirit.  And to make matters worse, we look around and see others experiencing what we so desperately long for…peace, contentment, joy and purpose.  

“Are you experiencing unwanted circumstances in your faith journey causing you to feel spiritually paralyzed? Maybe you are going through an unexpected divorce, facing some tough parenting challenges raising your kids, received some unexpected news from the doctor, confused by decisions you need to make about your future, having difficulty trusting God to provide for you, grieving the loss of a loved one, or ________________.”

If that is where you are today, my heart aches for you...However, there is hope and a way to move through this time of difficulty with grace, understanding, patience, peace, and a greater perspective of how God is shaping things in your life for His greater purposes.

It begins with a reminder of how much God loves you and wants to walk through this time with you. You are not alone. Like the Fit-Bit, God has given us the Bible-Bit.(being cute) The Bible is His inspired Word, personally reminding us to take one step at a time, keeping our eyes on Him and what He promises us along the way. We are reminded to take steps to listen, obey and apply biblical truths and realities to our circumstances so that we can MOVE beyond our difficulties with purpose and understanding. That's the party to celebrate!

It is impossible to open up God's Word, read it and walk away without some change of thinking and lens of how you’re currently looking at things. It may not be immediate, but God promises His Word does not return empty.  Our ability to MOVE through the tough things in life does not depend on us, but on God and the ways He has promised to carry us to the other side. 

What a great promise to move towards today!

“Acts 17:28 says, For in Him we live and move and have our being.”

Stephanie Yttrup

I’m a lover of words, dreaming, and creating more than consuming. I started my business of helping others set up and design their blogs and websites so they can focus on the thing that’s most important to them: sharing their voice with the world. I believe fiercely in the power of the online world, and I think everyone deserves a space to let their voice be heard. So I’m here to help enhance your voice so no one will miss out.

Not About Me…