Bible Studies by Lisa Thompson
Faith Journey Bible Studies are being used by neighborhood-based women's groups and churches to transform lives and communities.
In consideration of different stages of life and faith backgrounds, these studies were written to inspire and encourage every woman on their own unique faith journey through open and friendly conversation about the Bible, Jesus, and daily life.
“What I love most is that we can include any range
of faith backgrounds and have it be fruitful.”
Featured Study
Colossians: The Complete Woman
The Complete Woman is a 12-week inductive Bible study of the book of Colossians written for women in all stages of their faith journey. Throughout Colossians the Apostle Paul encourages his readers to return to the simplicity of their faith, and just as they had received Christ Jesus as Lord, to walk in Him and display His character. Christian women today are faced with similar challenges as the women in the church at Colossae. Paul has a gentle and powerful way of reminding us of the basics of the Christian faith and that we have been given everything we need to walk our faith journey with power and joy through Christ alone.
Faith Journey Bible Studies now available on Amazon!
The Book of Romans
The Free Woman
The book of Romans reveals answers to important questions about foundations of the Christian faith, and the key to living freely in the Good News of Jesus Christ.
By receiving and living out this Good News, the Free Woman is liberated from the law of sin and death that once reigned in her body and is able to experience victory over sinful, personal desires through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Experiencing the Psalms
The Reflective Woman
This study of selected Psalms, written by King David will give you a greater understanding of the amazing God we worship and His promises for you.
As you study the passages, your focus will be on what you learn about God, your relationship to Him, Biblical promises to claim, sins to avoid, and how to practice living out God's principles in everyday life to become the woman He created you to be.
The Book of Ephesians
The Rich Woman
Ephesians reminds us how to live like rich, victorious, powerful women in Christ. When we tap into the spiritual resources made available to us every day, we realize true wealth comes from personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Ephesians encourages you to know the hope to which God has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. (Ephesians 1:18-19)
“Lends itself easily to facilitation for a group
as it draws women closer to each other and to God.”
The Influential Woman
The Book of Esther encourages us to be risk takers, believing that God is before all things, orchestrating key events in our lives to prepare us for such a time as this!
The Influential Woman depicted in Esther knows her full identity in Jesus Christ and position in this world. The same God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead is the same God who dwells in YOU!
The Book of James
The Genuine Woman
Your study in the Book of James will give you practical advice for living out your faith in the face of the pressures and difficulties that come your way. James tells us that growing in the Lord will only come when you apply what He is saying to you through His Word.
The Genuine Woman's faith is manifested by the way she loves God and loves and cares for others, among other practical life-lessons on how to be authentically like Jesus.
The Gospel of John
The Confident Woman
Studying the book of John is a great way to increase your understanding of the Christian faith. You will gain a deeper understanding of how and why you can trust Jesus personally with your life.
It will also challenge and equip believing women to profess the hope of Christ to those who have questions about the Christian faith, and also help others in their journey to knowing God and becoming a disciple of Christ!
“Whether you have been studying the word of God for years or are just beginning, Lisa’s approach will meet you where you are and take you where you never knew possible.”
The Book of Matthew
The Authentic Woman
Is Jesus Christ king of your life?
The Gospel of Matthew challenges us with this most crucial and life-changing question. Matthew's gospel reminds us that Jesus is much more than a carpenter; Jesus is our King! The more we relinquish control of our lives to Him, the more we experience the blessing of God's Kingdom today.
Imagine the woman you will become when you allow Jesus to fully reign in your life. Your study of the Gospel of Matthew will help you build an authentic relationship with Jesus that will be a blessing to you and everyone around you.
The Joyful Woman
Paul wrote this letter from prison, where he was chained day and night to a Roman soldier, suffering and facing a possible death sentence. Yet, he wrote with confidence, strength, and joy!
The Joyful Woman understands that true joy does not come from the material comforts of this world or the praises of others, but from a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. As you go through this study, you will learn how to experience the kind of joyful strength that Paul had through every circumstance.
The Faithful Woman
As Christian women, we can sometimes waver in our faith and be tempted to fall back into old lifestyle patterns. After all, it's easy to drift toward values and lifestyles that the majority of people around us endorse.
But there is hope! Through this insightful study that also offers a bridge for understanding the Old Testament, you and your friends will find the encouragement and confidence to live differently as you continue in your faith journey with Jesus. As Hebrews will prove, life is better with Christ.