"I have reviewed and studied quite a few Faith Journey Bible studies.  I am a leader of a women's neighborhood group and invite all women from all circles of my life.  Some have a faith background and some have very little experience studying the bible. 

What I love most is that we can include any range of faith backgrounds and have it be fruitful. 

Spiritual growth happens when we can guide through the scriptures with ease.  Lisa Thompson does a beautiful job introducing the book of study and giving each reader a study format and a way to use the study.  Using the FAITH format proves successful for all readers and truly a blessing.  Readers feel confident and eager to engage when we start the study and have remained engaged throughout.  The questions are a wonderful way to bring out the reader to not only interpret the scriptures but to apply them to her life.  One of the studies that really engaged my group was Esther.  The study was broken into the right amount of weeks and our ladies found it very fruitful.  I love having this resource for my gals and we are looking forward to our next study with Faith Journey."

- Darria, Bible Study Leader

I would recommend this Bible study to anyone looking for an inductive approach that encourages deep thinking and reflection through thought provoking question and application. Lends itself easily to facilitation for a group as it draws women closer to each other and to God

Siri, Bible Study Leader

What a privilege to know Lisa! I have had the honor of serving side-by-side with Lisa watching her teach and walk women through her Faith Journey studies for a few years. The thing that impresses me the most is the ease with which she takes women through scripture. What was confusing at first glance, becomes alive and applicable in no time. Her passion for teaching the word of God is evident and contagious. After completing one of her studies, you not only have a deeper understanding of the scripture, you have study tools with which to approach all scripture. You will never look at the bible the same way after diving into a Faith Journey study. Once the Journey begins, there is no going back! Whether you have been studying the word of God for years or are just beginning, Lisa’s approach will meet you where you are and take you where you never knew possible.
— Janice, FJBS Reader
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I have had lead women through each one of Lisa's Bible Studies and can say with confidence that they are well written for women at every place in their faith journey. The lessons are thought provoking and encourage the reader to go deep into the scripture while still keeping the concepts simple and easy to grasp for those new to Bible Study.

Lisa maintains continuity and scriptural integrity in every one of her inductive studies. She expounds on each passage in detail to focus on what the Bible teaches and makes it relevant to our lives today. She writes in a way that inspires and challenges application for life changing impact.

I would recommend Faith Journey for any individual looking for a supplemental resource for personal study as well as a guide for group discussion for small group Bible studies.

- Wendy, Bible Study Leader


Review for Philippians: The JOyful Woman

Don't miss out on doing this study! You will finish believing that there is hope to find joy in each day of your life regardless of  whether your circumstances are good or bad.  There is strength in persevering through the burdens of life because once you give those struggles up to God  you will feel lighter, strengthened and that will free you up so you can use that time to look for all the small little joys throughout your day.  Finding little joy filled moments each day will soon be your power and strength to not let the burdens and worries of life win your time.

    Lisa does a great job  including her real life experiences so you know she is real, authentic and experiencing many of the things we are all going through.  She writes and explains how she has lifted up many of her trials and this is a great example of how you must work daily making God first, life second in order to allow the Joy to find its way into our lives.

- Kristi, FJBS Reader



The Joyful Woman

I know first-hand the transforming power of time spent in God's Word. It's crucial as a ministry leader that I ensure the women I am serving know how to study the Bible on their own. The Faith Journey Bible study curriculum provides for that in a format that is easy to understand but also encourages women to put into practice what they are learning. Our church studied "Philippians: The Joyful Woman" . It was well-received by our women and they found it to be a refreshing experience of God's Word that helped deepen their understanding of true joy.

- Jen, Ministry Leader