







Speaking + Teaching + Podcasting + Writing +

Inspiring Faith, Equipping Disciples

Build your life

on truthnot trend

Devotional Teachings

God has wired me to be passionate about inspiring women to transform their lives through authentic study of God's Word, equipping them to discover their identity in Christ and share their faith journeys. I encourage women to build their lives on the truth of God's Word rather than trends, promoting obedience to live the blessed life promised by God.

I’d love to get to know you and collaborate to bring the truth of the gospel to your community!


What People Have Said

  • "What a privilege to know Lisa! The thing that impresses me the most is the ease with which she takes women through scripture."


  • "Lisa does a great job including her real life experiences so you know she is real, authentic and experiencing many of the things we are all going through."


  • "Lisa’s approach will meet you where you are and take you where you never knew possible."


Bible Studies

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