Replacing Lies with Truth

Sometimes my worst days are when I spend time in my head. I can easily give the enemy a foothold to come in and tell me how I am not good enough, how I let others down, how God must be tired of dealing with the same old stuff with me, and how everyone else has it going on spiritually, and why I don't. I obsess and obsess…giving in to the lies. Such a waste of time.

Maybe you find yourself having a day like this?

Recently, the Lord gave me this great visual of what to do when I find myself caving in to the lies of the enemy. Think of the game, Dodge Ball. The goal of the game is to take people out by throwing balls at them. And I mean pegging them to the point of pain. That's what the enemy does all day long. He throws all kinds of lies (balls) at us. The enemy works to keep us self-focused and absorbed in our minds, that we forget God is available to take the enemy out in a second and Game Over!

God wants us to respond to the lies of the enemy swiftly, and replace them with His truth. 

Next time you find yourself obsessing and entertaining lies in your mind, bounce them up to God. God does not want you to hold onto these balls another second. God will catch these balls of fire, and replace them with living waters of truth, to extinguish the chaos in your mind and give you the inner peace you need.

 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (MSG)


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