Hi friend! I’m Lisa, and
I’m so glad you’re here.

With my passion to teach and equip women to study the Bible and apply its truth to their lives, I hope this is a safe place for you to ask questions and seek answers.

New Bible Study

New Bible Study

By receiving and living out the gospel of Jesus, the free woman is liberated from the control of sin and able to live out the abundant life God promises.

Romans: The Free Woman

Inspirational Content

Wherever it is, my goal in speaking, teaching, and podcasting is to inspire women to be transformed by the truth of God’s Word.

Scripture is like

a pair of spectacles

which dispels the darkness

and gives us

a clear view of God.

John Calvin

Free Resource

See the history and genres of the Bible laid out clearly as you begin to dive deeper into understanding what God says about who He is and who you are.

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Explore the newest content on the blog about prioritizing the goodness of God’s Word in our daily lives.

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