No More Honey Nut Cheerios
This past week I have been filled with an array of emotions.
My husband and I just launched our oldest daughter, Brooke, to attend college in England for the year. Brooke and I had almost two amazing weeks traveling before I dropped her off at the Victoria Coach station in London a week ago today. She was quick to conceal her emotion by saying goodbye as if she were going out on a Friday night with her girlfriends. Me, on the other hand, knew this was no ordinary goodbye. The next time I would be saying hello in person would be 10 months later.
As much as I tried to be strong, it was evident in the bustling coach station, I could not. We said our quick goodbye and I sauntered out of the station. What better place to process all I was feeling than walking miles and miles through the streets of London. As I strolled through the lush green and heavily walked Hyde Park, I found a quiet bench to reflect and talk this out with God. Unfortunately, all I could think of were the many things I forgot to teach, communicate, educate, and equip Brooke with. My mind swirled with the what if’s and the what not’s.
After some time had passed, I felt God’s gentle voice pour into my troubled and anxious heart.
It was an opportunity for Him to teach me something very profound about what it means to launch our kids into the world. Part of letting our kids go to become young adults, is trusting God that what we might have missed as a parent or didn't quite communicate is left for them to figure out with GOD. As parents, God does not expect us to cover it all before our kids leave home. In fact, that would be impossible. But God, can and will for each of our kids.
I almost felt God’s excitement to have Brooke all to Himself this year. It gives me such peace knowing God is watching over her. He is helping her make wise decisions and extending grace when she makes poor decisions. God will use the difficulties and hardships of living abroad to develop Brooke into a young woman and teach her first hand that He will use ALL things in her life for good according to His purposes for her life.
As a mother, I have to figure out what this new season of parenting will look like having my first child out of the home. The reality hit me this past week as I went grocery shopping and passed by the Honey Nut Cheerios in the cereal aisle. This was Brooke's favorite cereal. To not pick the box up and put it in my cart moved me to tears on aisle 22. I realized there is a lot I will not be picking up for Brooke this year. While my cart may feel emptier with Brooke gone, I know half way around the world she is filling her own cart with new decisions, adventures, discoveries, and what she values in this world. As a mother, I will fill my heart with the promise found in Philippians 4:19. “My God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” God has supplied me with everything I need my entire life, and I trust Him to do the same for Brooke!